1947 Anne’s diary is published

Otto Frank was the only one of the eight people from the Secret Annex to survive the war. After hearing that Anne and Margot had died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, helper Miep Gies gave him Anne’s diaries, which she had always kept for her. Otto was so impressed by what he read that he typed out her diary entries and gave them to others to read. One of those people was the historian Jan Romein, a member of the editorial board of the literary journal De Nieuwe Stem (The New Voice). He wrote about the diary on the front page of the Het Parool newspaper of 3 April 1946. In June 1946, Anne Frank made her posthumous debut with excerpts from her diary in De Nieuwe Stem.

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Publication of Anne’s diary entries in “De Nieuwe Stem”, Vol. 1, No. 6, 1946