Anne Frank Knowledge Base

Sharing our information

The Anne Frank House conducts ongoing historical research into the history of Anne Frank, the other people in hiding and the helpers. We collect the information in the Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base has been accessible online to the general public since December 15, 2022.

The information is accessible in a list of entries and on a map, both with a search box. The entries refer to related subjects, locations, persons and events.

To the Knowledge Base

The map only shows entries with a known location.

To the Knowledge Base Map

We welcome questions about the Knowledge Base and information that can supplement and improve our Knowledge Base. If you want to get in touch, please use our contact form.

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Research into the Frank family’s attempt to emigrate

Together with the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, the Anne Frank House studied the attempts by the Frank and the Van Pels families to emigrate to the United States (1938-1941). By combining our research of Dutch and American records, we gained a better understanding of the background of these failed attempts.

The research highlighted the tension between the immigration policy of the United States and the humanitarian aspects of the refugee crisis at the time.

The importance of archives to our research

Our research is based on factual historical sources, which we retrieve from the Amsterdam City Archives and the NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies, among others. We may, for instance, look for data from the municipal registers or deportation lists.

Local historical institutions often have valuable detailed knowledge. The Cultural-Historical Association of the municipality of Zevenaar, for instance, helped us to properly date the escape of Victor Kugler.

Private individuals form another important source for our research. They are often relatives of the people who played a role in Anne’s story. They know a lot and often have important documents and photos.

Research findings in practice

Our findings are frequently used in the media and in education. At the College of Arts & Sciences at Pace University in New York, for instance, students use a reader with background information about the helpers in the Secret Annex. The reader was compiled in close collaboration with the Anne Frank House.