Research programmes

From life stories to operational management

The Knowledge Centre of the Anne Frank House studies the lives of the Frank family, the other people in hiding, and the helpers. Our research programmes allow us to increase our knowledge of various aspects of this history.

Research carried out for, by, and with other parties

The Anne Frank House conducts its own research but collaborates with other organisations as well.

Our research partners

Research into the lives of the people in hiding

A lot of research has been done into the lives of the people in hiding and the helpers, both during the Second World War and after. For instance, we found that the Frank family, the Van Pels family, and Fritz Pfeffer all tried to emigrate before going into hiding. Their attempts are documented by several records.

On 4 August 1944, the period in hiding ended when they were all arrested. As part of the research programme, the Anne Frank House analysed what happened that day and qualified the assumption that the arrest was the result of betrayal.

After the arrest, the people from the Secret Annex ended up in Westerbork and Auschwitz. From there, they went on in different directions.

Read more about our publications and research

New research programmes

New topics have already been selected for research. We will start by studying the history of Opekta and Pectacon, the companies that were set up at Prinsengracht 263, the address of the hiding place. With this research, we hope to identify what the companies meant to the people in hiding.

Secondly, we have planned a study of Anne’s schooldays at the Montessorischool during the Second World War.

Finally, we are busy designing the research programme for the next few years.