
Archive of Anne Frank's family


June 25, 2007 — Today, historical records from Switzerland belonging to the Frank family were presented to the Anne Frank House on long-term loan. This family archive, stemming from the Frank-Elias family and the ANNE FRANK-Fonds in Basel, will complement the historical records of the Anne Frank House.

Together, these two archives will comprise the new ‘ANNE FRANK-Archives’.

Buddy Elias, Anne Frank’s cousin and chair of the Anne Frank-Fonds, performed the official transfer today by presenting the complete inventory list of the Swiss archive to Hans Westra, director of the Anne Frank House. This transfer took place in recognition of the 60th anniversary of the publication of Anne Frank’s diary.


The Swiss archive comes from the residence in Basel where, since the 1930s, various members of the Frank family have lived. It is now the home of Buddy Elias and his wife. In the past two years, these files were inventoried for the first time. Included in this unique family archive – measuring almost 10 metres in length – are many letters, documents and photographs of Otto, Edith, Margot and Anne Frank.


Though the Swiss files have already been inventoried, they have not yet been studied. The Anne Frank-Fonds announced today that it will allocate a scholarship for further research in this newly created ‘ANNE FRANK-archives’. The scholarship amounts to € 5000 and will be given out yearly on February 16. The date refers to the day of birth of Margot Frank, who had a good head for study. The scholarship has been titled the Buddy Elias/Otto Frank Scholarship.