Monitor racism and extremism

Between 1997 and 2017, the Anne Frank House was involved in research on racism, antisemitism and right-wing extremist violence. Discover the complete archive below.

Incidents, reports, offenders and settlements in 2017

The Anne Frank House commissioned the Verwey-Jonker Institute to monitor complaints filed with the police regarding incidents involving racism, antisemitism and right-wing extremist violence in the Netherlands.

The summary of the report presents an overview of all incidents involving racism and antisemitism retrieved from police databases. For both antisemitism and racism the number of incidents in 2017 are quoted and compared to previous years.

From the monitor archive (PDF downloads)

Racism, antisemitism, and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in 2017

This summary of the report presents an overview of the incidents that occurred in the year 2017 and compares the developments to the previous years.

Racism, antisemitism, and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in 2016

This summary of the report presents an overview of the incidents that occurred in the year 2016 and compares the developments to the previous years.

Racism, antisemitism, and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in 2015

This summary of the report presents an overview of all incidents involving racism and anti-Semitism retrieved from police databases.

Racism, antisemitism and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in 2014

The report shows a remarkable rise of the amount of racist incidents in the Netherlands in the year 2014.

Racism, antisemitism and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in 2013

Paints a clear and urgent picture of the situation in the Netherland, with largely stable number of incidents with racist or antisemitic charateristics.

Racism, antisemitism and Right-Wing Extremist Violence in 2012

An increase of more than 25% of racist incidents in 2012 compared to 2011 is striking. The report confirms previous research about the relationship between many antisemitic incidents and football.

Racism and Extremism Monitor 2010

Subjects include racial violence and various forms of right-wing extremism as well as antisemitism, the marginalisation of Roma, islamic extremism, the effects of stigmatisation and the balance between freedom of expression and anti-discrimination restrictions.

Racism and Extremism Monitor 2008

Apart from a rise in islamophobia the report notes a striking change in the right-wing extremist landcape in the Netherlands.

Racism and Extremism Monitor 2006

Extreme right-wing political parties in the Netherlands are of little significance. All the more important are right-wing radicalism on the internet, extreme right-wing 'gabbers' and the continued radicalisation that is giving rise to tougher, violence-prone neo-Nazi groups.

Racism and Extreme Right Monitor 2004

Right-wing extremist youth subcultures are becoming more of a problem, new right-wing extremist parties have been established, and the number of right-wing activists has risen.

Racism and Extreme Right Monitor 2002

Immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States there was a series of incidents, which were aimed against Muslims. The public debate on minorities and integration has also hardened.