Anne Frank Video Diary

Secondary education

In order to tell the story of Anne Frank and the persecution of the Jews in a way that appeals to young people, the Anne Frank House has created a 15-part YouTube series: the Anne Frank video diary. In addition, seven educational episodes with accompanying teaching materials were made. The educational episodes with the accompanying teaching materials can be used separately in the classroom.

Watch all episodes of the Anne Frank video diary on YouTube

Extra: 8 educational episodes 

In these five-minute episodes, historian and presenter Femke de Koning searches for answers to questions such as “Out of all diaries, why did Anne Frank’s diary become so very famous?” and “Where does the exclusion of others begin?” Based on historical sources, including Anne’s diary, further background information is provided. Each episode ends with a topical critical thinking question. This question links the episode to the world of today’s students.

Teaching materials

We have developed specific teaching materials for each educational episode. The processing assignments expand on the theme of the educational episode and always consist of four parts:

  • watching the educational episodes accompanying the video diary with the group
  • interpreting sources
  • conducting group assignments
  • reflecting on the critical thinking question with the group

Browse through the extra educational episodes and teaching materials below.