
Travelling exhibitions and activities

Since 2002, the Anne Frank House has been active in Ukraine. The travelling Anne Frank exhibition was shown in dozens of cities across the country. As a follow-up, in 2008 the Anne Frank House and its Ukrainian partners started a large-scale project for teachers an journalists.

Through this link below you will find the online material in Ukrainian on this website.

To online Ukrainian educational material

The travelling exhibition

The Ukrainian version of the exhibition Anne Frank - A History for Today was shown in 40 cities across the country. By now, more than 100,000 visitors have seen the exhibition. According to the principles of peer education, 1000 students were trained to act as peer guides, showing their fellow students around the exhibition. The Anne Frank exhibition was enhanced by several local panels dealing with personal stories of children who fell victim to the Holocaust in Ukraine. A slide presentation on the results of the Anne Frank exhibition in Ukraine can be found on the website of the Institute of Jewish Studies.

Titled Who are your neighbours, teacher training seminars were organised in some of the cities where the exhibition was shown, focusing on diversity and addressing the topic in classrooms. The project was implemented by the Ukrainian partners of the Anne Frank House: the Centre of Jewish Education in Ukraine, the Institute of Jewish Studies, the Ukrainian Association of Teachers of History and Social Studies Nova Doba, the Jewish Foundation of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Centre for Holocaust Studies and the Congress of National Minorities of Ukraine.

Educational Materials

Following the successful tour of the Anne Frank exhibition in Ukraine, various materials of the Anne Frank House were translated and adapted for use in Ukraine. The Diary of Anne Frank has been translated into Ukrainian as well as the graphic novel, The Search, and other teaching materials about antisemitism. The standard materials created by the Anne Frank House were translated and several chapters with content about antisemitism in Ukraine were added.

In cooperation with the Fund for Central and Eastern European Book Projects (CEEBP), the Anne Frank House and its Ukrainian partners published a series of books on topics such as xenophobia, tolerance, and antisemitism. This project, called Books for Education in Tolerance ran from 2008 to 2012 and was supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (the Matra programme). Trainings for teachers, teacher trainers, librarians, and journalists were held all over Ukraine. The participants learned how to use the available resources.

Sources of Tolerance Exhibition

Inspired by the success of the Anne Frank exhibition, Ukrainian partners of the Anne Frank House created Sources of Tolerance, an exhibition about Ukrainians in history who worked towards a more peaceful society. Janusz Korczak, for example, a Jewish educator, dedicated his whole life to orphans. The exhibition travels the country, like the Anne Frank exhibition did, and the educational programme was partially led by students.

In 2015-2016 the two exhibitions continued to be set up in schools in Kiev and the Kiev region. Within the framework of these projects, more than 100 seminars were conducted to train student guides to work on exhibitions, as well as summary guides seminars, which were held after the end of the exhibition in the region.

Additionally, over 3000 student guides conducted tours for more than 110,000 visitors, and more than 300 participants participated in workshops for students and teachers of pedagogical universities and academies. 

You can read the review of guides on their work, reflections of students on the seminars, as well as feedback from visitors to the exhibition at the website of the Institute of Jewish Studies


For more information about the activities organised in Ukraine, please email the Anne Frank House project coordinator.