What we do

The activities of the Anne Frank House

We develop educational programs and publications based on Anne’s life story. We manage the collection and open Anne’s hiding place up to the public. It is our way of making young people aware of the dangers of antisemitism, racism, and discrimination, and the importance of freedom and equal rights.

Mission of the Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank House is an independent organisation dedicated to the preservation of the place where Anne Frank went into hiding and wrote her diary during the Second World War. The organisation brings the life story and the work of Anne Frank to the attention of as many people as possible worldwide, partly with the aim of raising awareness of the dangers of antisemitism, racism and discrimination and the importance of freedom, equal rights and democracy.

Read more about the way we interpret our mission in our annual report.

Read the 2023 Annual Report

Strategic goals  

The strategic goals of the Anne Frank House are inspired by its mission, which essentially consists of two main tasks: informing the public, and education. These tasks are closely related.

Read more about our goals and main tasks

The Anne Frank House

The Anne Frank House is a museum with a story behind it. The visitors experience this story through quotes, photos, film clips, and original items, such as the bookcase, the pictures in Anne’s room, and the diaries. The atmosphere in the museum is authentic and subdued.

Preserving the hiding place and opening it to the public is one of the main goals of the organisation.

Collection and research

The Secret Annex and the diaries of Anne Frank are the main elements of the Anne Frank collection. Of course, the collection also contains other special items, such as letters, pictures, and objects belonging to the Frank family, the other people in hiding, and the people who helped them. The Anne Frank House manages the collection and carries out historical research. 

Read more about the collection and the research


The Anne Frank House develops educational programmes and products, based on Anne’s life story. The material inspires young people from around the world and links into their lives. 

In the life of Anne Frank, antisemitism, prejudice, unequal treatment, and the denial of human rights played an important role. The Anne Frank House puts these issues on the table to make young people aware of them and to change their attitude and view of the world.

Anne Frank Youth Network

Every year, we invite young people between the ages of 16 and 20 to get involved in the fight against prejudice and discrimination. When they join our Youth Team, they automatically become part of the Anne Frank Youth Network.

Teachers and other professionals

Teachers are frequently confronted with discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes in their classrooms. And how do you cover topics such as the Holocaust and the persecution of the Jews in your lessons? Thousands of teachers in the Netherlands and abroad participate in our meetings, training courses, and workshops and become better equipped at handling these topics.

In addition, we provide training courses for other professionals dealing with the same issues, for instance within the police force or football clubs.

Read more about our educational acitivities

Worldwide activities

In over 70 countries the Anne Frank House is involved in telling the story of Anne Frank. We produce travelling exhibitions and do educational projects with our partners. 

Worldwide Map
Read more about our worldwide educational activities